The negotiations between the EU and the US on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) started in June 2013. TTIP has great potential to generate jobs and growth on both sides of the Atlantic. But an extensive trade agreement would also involve a geopolitical dimension.
In a time when Europe and the US face a number of serious threats TTIP would generate new power and dynamic in the important transatlantic cooperation.
In the report “TTIP: a geopolitical tool in a multipolar world order” Erik Brattberg discusses the geopolitical consequences of TTIP in Europe, the transatlantic cooperation and the wider world order. By analyzing the impact of the agreement on energy security, the EU’s global role, NATO and global trade liberalization Brattberg argues that TTIP represents a historic opportunity for the EU and the US in a time of global power shifts.

Erik Brattberg is Senior Fellow at McCain Institute for International Leadership in Washington DC. Erik possesses wide experience in foreign and security policy analysis, including experience from the Atlantic Council, the German Marshall Fund (GMF), the Center for Transatlantic Relations, the European Policy Centre and the Institute of International Affairs (UI). His articles have been published in, among others, Washington Post, Foreign Policy, Dagens Industi och Svenska Dagbladet.