
The Long Road to Nato (in Swedish)

May 14, 2024

On March 7, 2024, Sweden became a full member of NATO. However, the path to NATO membership has been anything but straightforward. To understand why this journey was particularly complex for Sweden, and to chart a course for future security policy, we need to look back. In the anthology “The Long Road to NATO,” the […]

Reconstruction, reform, and EU accession for Ukraine

March 16, 2023

The reconstruction, reform, and EU accession of Ukraine will be the most important EU projects of the 2020s. This brief book aims to assist and guide this process. Our fundamental idea is that Ukraine’s reconstruction, reform, and EU accession need to be combined into one process. It is our hope that it will engage all […]

Stronger Together

November 15, 2022

On May 18, 2022, the Swedish and Finnish NATO ambassadors formally submitted their countries’ membership applications to the alliance. In doing so, they ended decades – in Sweden’s case, centuries – of military nonalignment and overlapping but varied security arrangements in the Nordics and Baltics. Sweden and Finland, whose bilateral defense cooperation has deepened substantially […]

Bound Together

October 5, 2021

The Baltic Sea region is one of the world’s most integrated and interconnected. It is defined both by shared history and common challenges that will shape its future. From cyber security risks and information threats, the Baltic Sea region encapsulates many issues that will define the coming decade. In the anthology Bound Together: Shared Challenges […]

Let the World Hear

November 20, 2020

On 9 August 2020, the Belarusian dictator Aliaksandr Lukashenka, who has ruled the country for 26 years, falsely claimed victory in the national election. The people of Belarus reacted to the injustice by holding peaceful demonstrations and meetings. The regime responded in the most gruesome way imaginable. Stockholm Free World Forum and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Nordic Countries […]

Modern Warfare: New Technologies and Enduring Concepts

May 21, 2020

The various chapters of the anthology explain the contemporary ways of understanding modern warfare, but also serves as an analysis of the main drivers of change in war and society today. This includes how the information environment, artificial intelligence and the globalization of finance is altering the parameters for statecraft in the 21st Century. Download […]

Security policy for a new government (in Swedish)

January 8, 2019

The Anthology ”Security policy for a new government” is published in a time characterized by domestic anxiety. As the current political agenda has been dominated by the formation of a government, other important matters have been put aside. However, the world around us has not shown respect to Sweden’s domestic situation. The security situation in […]

A new international order of trade? (in Swedish)

December 17, 2018

The political landscape of today is characterized by growing protectionism, political instability and an ongoing trade war between China and the US, which causes concerns about the status of the free trade. In A new international order of trade? Essay’s on the opportunities and challenges of free trade, Johan Norberg discusses the principles of free […]

A new generation: Ideas in honor of Mats Johansson (in Swedish)

September 25, 2018

Mats Johansson, Frivärlds founder and chairman, died unexpectedly in June 2017. To honor his life, Frivärld has released a collection of writing by students and alumni from the Foreign Policy Academy – Frivärld’s foreign and security policy program for young leaders.  The book entitled “A new generation – Ideas in honor of Mats Johansson” Consists […]

The Age of Trolls (in Swedish)

November 3, 2016

Desinformatsia, provokatsia, and maskirovka – tools for misdirection from the former KGB arsenal that are being used once again. There is nothing strange about this; since 2000 Russia has been led by a KGB officer, and in his war against the West conventional military forces are accompanied by psychological warfare. The question is who is being deceived. Is it […]