

Episode #55 of Säkerhetsrådet: Deepfakes, distrust & democracy

June 7, 2024
Heather Ashby, principal consultat at Corner Alliance. Ashby focuses on the risk of AI to democracy and elections. She has been the associate director for the US institute of peace program on disruptive technologies and artificial intelligence. In this episode ...

The Foreign Policy Academy 2024: Third session

June 4, 2024
On June 1, the Foreign Policy Academy, Stockholm Free World Forum’s year-long specialized training program, had its third session with the theme EU in election time – war, relations and trade. The session took place in the Swedish parliament and ...

Episode #8 of The year of the Dragon: Security threats and economic interests

June 1, 2024
In this episode of The year of the dragon, Anna Rennéus Guthrie, director at Stockholm Free World Forum Frivärld, and Patrik Oksanen, resident senior fellow, talk with Karl Lallerstedt, first analyst at the Total Defense Research Institute and author of ...

Conference: A Strong Europe – Addressing the Threats

May 29, 2024
Yesterday, the Stockholm Free World Forum organized the conference “A Strong Europe – Addressing the Threats,” which covered topics such as innovation and growth, disinformation and threats during election times, and democracy and security in Europe. The speakers included Kerstin ...

Alumni mingle together with fTalang

May 22, 2024
Last night, Stocholm Free World Forum, in collaboration with Svenskt Näringsliv’s leadership program fTalang, organized a networking event for the Foreign Policy Academy alumni and fTalang members. The theme for the evening was leadership, the defense industry, NATO, and business ...

Roundtable discussion with Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya

May 20, 2024
Stockholm Free World Forum hosted a highly engaging roundtable discussion today with Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, president-elect of Belarus. The conversation delved into numerous significant topics, including the quest for Belarusian freedom, the impact of sanctions, and the regime’s oppressive tactics against ...