On November 4, the American think tank Atlantic Council published the report “Kremlin’s Trojan Horses 3.0 – Russian Influence in Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden”. The report is the third and last in a series of publications about Russian influence in European politics. The section on Sweden is written by Henrik Sundbom, fellow at Stockholm Free World Forum.
Unlike in many other European countries, there are no parties in the Swedish parliament that can be categorized as pro-russian or as Kremlin’s trojan horses. However, several parties hold agendas that overlap with that of the Kremlin, making them vulnerable to influence operations. In comparison with the other Scandinavian countries in the study, it is obvious that we see more Russian activity in Sweden, says Henrik Sundbom.
The other sections are written by Flemming Splidsboel-Hansen, Danish Institute for International Studies; Robert Van Der Noordaa, Dutch investigative journalist; and Øystein Bogen, Senior Foreign Affairs Correspondent at Norwegian TV2. The introduction is written by Alina Polyakova of the Brookings Institution.
Read thge full report here.