Last week we launched the anthology ”Modern Warfare: New Technologies and Enduring Concepts”. The various chapters of the anthology explain the contemporary ways of understanding modern warfare, but also serves as an analysis of the main drivers of change in war and society today. This includes how the information environment, artificial intelligence and the globalization of finance is altering the parameters for statecraft in the 21st Century. The editor is Oscar Jonsson, Academic Director at Center for the Governance of Change at IE in Madrid.
Download the book for free here.
Watch the digital launch here.
Oscar Jonsson (ed.), Academic Director at Center for the Governance of Change at IE.
Michael Kofman, Senior Research Scientist at CNA Corporation.
Leo Michel, senior fellow at Atlantic Council.
Aurore Belfrage, tech entrepreneur and political advisor.
Jean-Marc Rickli, head of global risk and resilience at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy.
Joshua Kirshenbaum, visiting fellow at GMF’s Alliance for Securing Democracy.
Karsten Friis, Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Security and Defense Research Group at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs.
Maren Bredesen, junior research fellow, at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs.
Rachel Rizzo, adjunct fellow at the Center for a New American Security.
Patrik Oksanen, senior fellow at Stockholm Free World Forum.
Foreword by Gunnar Hökmark, chairman of Stockholm Free World Forum.