
The idea of strategic autonomy goes straight to the heart of European prosperity. If the union wants to stay relevant as a geopolitical actor in  the future, it needs to think long and hard about what strategies can help it ...
The political crisis that started in Belarus in the summer of 2020 has united and politicized the Belarusian diaspora. The diaspora acts as a liaison between the Belarusian democratic forces, the European Union and Belarusian emigrants. In the brief “The Belarusian ...
The Baltic Sea region is one of the world’s most integrated and interconnected. It is defined both by shared history and common challenges that will shape its future. From cyber security risks and information threats, the Baltic Sea region encapsulates ...
In the brief “How to Break Lukashenka” Dr. Anders Åslund examines the possibility for the West to break down the Lukashenka regime by the effective use of various sanctions. The main Western powers – the US, the EU, the UK, Canada, and ...

Gunnar Hökmark participates in Europe’s Digital Future

July 26, 2021
The chairman of Stockholm Free World Forum, Gunnar Hökmark has participated in a panel discussion arranged by The Institute For International And European Affairs. The discussion is part of the project Europe’s Digital Future and aims at exploring the topic ...

Anders Åslund to Stockholm Free World Forum

July 2, 2021
Anders Åslund, an internationally acclaimed researcher and debater in Russian, Ukrainian and Eastern European political economy gets Stockholm Free World Forum as his base. – It is with great honor that Stockholm Free World Forum can announce that Anders Åslund ...
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) wants to shape the world in its image. For that purpose it uses instruments that risk to destroy liberal democracy. The nature of the West’s conflict with the CCP is systemic, not national or cultural. ...
The use of disinformation and malign influence has become a key tool in the attempts to weaken democracy and cooperation in the West. The pandemic has offered an opportunity to use the uncertainty of a previously unknown disease to undermine ...
Emanuel Örtengren will become the new acting Director of the Stockholm Free World Forum for the upcoming year. The shift takes place when current Director Katarina Tracz begins parental leave. – For the Stockholm Free World Forum it is both ...
Russian foreign policy behavior towards the West is increasingly aggressive. The Russian war in eastern Ukraine and the escalated military build-up along the Ukrainian border, the unmasking of the GRU’s involvement in a 2014 fatal explosion in a Czech weapons ...