With about a month to go until the elections to the European parliament, Stockholm Free World Forum welcome to a conference to discuss European issues of trade, security and political future.
The afternoon started with a welcoming speech from Dr. Oscar Jonsson, Acting Director of Stockholm Free World Forum. This was followed by a introductory speech by Fredrik Erixon, Director of the European Centre for International Political Economy.
Thereafter, a panel discussion on EU in a new era of trade where Fredrik Erixon, Director of the think-tank ECIPE, Christofer Fjellner, Member of the European Parliament (M), and Nils Karlson, founder and CEO of Ratio, participated.
A video from the first part of conference is found here.

Fredrik Erixon, Christofer Fjellner, Nils Karlson and Oscar Jonsson
The conference continued with a panel discussion about the Russian threat towards EU with Patrik Jotun, CEO of the Swedish Center for Russian Studies, Linda Nordlund, editorial writer at Expressen and Maria Weimer, candidate for the European Parliament (L).

Maria Weimer, Oscar Jonsson and Patrik Jotun
The last panel discussion of the afternoon was on the political future of the European Union. Participants were Björn Fägersten, Senior Research Fellow and Director of UI’s Europe Programme, PM Nilsson, editorial writer at Dagens industri and Tomas Tobé, member of the Swedish parliament and candidate for the European Parliament (M). The day was rounded off with a speech by Gunnar Hökmark, President of Stockholm Free World Forum.
A video from the second part of the conference can be watched here.