The 13th of February Stockholm Free World Forum and the Finnish think-tank Libera arranged a seminar at Hanaholmen in Finland on Swedish and Finnish responses to increased tensions. The seminar discussed Sweden and Finland’s security challenges and responses, as well as their relations to the EU and NATO.
Keynote speakers were Elina Lepomäki, MP (Kokoomus) and chair of the board of Libera, Jan Nygren, former minister and state secretary for defence as well as senior advisor, and Veronika Víchová of the Kremlin Watch Program at the European Values Think-Tank.

Jan Nygren about the need of a Swedish NATO option
The keynote-speeches can be seen here.
The seminar continued with a panel discussion. Participants were Patrik Oksanen, political editor, Mittmedia, Yrsa Grüne, journalist with focus on security and foreign policy, Frank Belfrage, former state secretary for foreign affairs 2006-14 and Matti Pesu, research fellow at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA). Moderator was Dr. Oscar Jonsson, Director of Stockholm Free World Forum.
The panel discussion can be watched here.
The seminar has been covered in the Finnish Armed Forces’ magazine Ruotuväki.