
Book launch: Ten Years With Putin

December 16, 2011
On November 16th, The Free World Forum released a Swedish translation of Boris Nemtsov’s and Vladimir Milov’s report Ten Years with Putin. The report is a critical study of Putin and Putinism, focusing on the more than ten years that ...

Swedish Military Solidarity Around the Baltic Sea: Three Scenarios

October 19, 2011
How should any Swedish military intervention be presented in the case of different types of future crises in the Baltic region? The question is raised by Karlis Neretnieks in his chapter in the book Till bröders hjälp (Help between brothers), ...

After the Arab Spring – From Kleptocracy to Capitalism?

September 19, 2011
In the West many of us might naturally associate a youth movement for ‘freedom and better opportunities’ with a liberalization of market regulations. However, the wish for less abusive governments does not translate into a popular desire for less bloated ...

Latvia before the election: Against the Odds and the Oligarchs

September 15, 2011
Latvia’s development since the complete reestablishment of independence from the Soviet Union has been unexpectedly successful. Latvia and the other Baltic States have joined the Western rich countries’ clubs, NATO and the EU. So, if things have seemingly gone so well, ...

Free World Forum’s first event in English: now available online.

August 15, 2011
Last Monday, the 15th of August, Free World Forum launched a new book: ”Monday at Twelve o’ Clock: Memories from the Baltic Freedom Struggle”. During the event, several distinguished quests were present as speakers. Mart Laar, Estonian minister for Defence and ...