Reports | Briefings

How the EU Can Achieve 10 Years of Super Growth

May 29, 2024

In the report “How the EU Can Achieve 10 Years of Super Growth,” Stefan Fölster, senior fellow at Stockholm Free World Forum, proposes a series of concrete reforms that the EU should implement to ensure improved economic growth, thereby better equipping the union to face various threats. Some of the changes Fölster highlights include: Granting […]


A Stronger Europe Requires Stronger Economies – Why is the EU Falling Behind?

May 29, 2024

In the report “A Stronger Europe Requires Stronger Economies – Why is the EU Falling Behind?”, Fredrik Erixon, economist and director of the think tank ECIPE (European Centre for International Political Economy), provides a thorough analysis of why and how the EU’s economy has lagged behind and been overtaken by others in recent decades. The […]


How to better protect democratic elections – 12-point programme to strengthen democracy at election times

May 29, 2024

Today, electoral interference poses an increasingly significant threat to democracies worldwide, with the year 2024 being particularly vulnerable. The intensity and sophistication of these interference tactics are escalating alongside technological advancements. Disinformation targets all segments of society but often target younger generations. In the report “How to better protect democratic elections“, authored by Patrik Oksanen, […]


Tracking the Russian Hybrid Warfare – Cases From Nordic-Baltic Countries

May 27, 2024

In this report, the Stockholm Free World Forum has gathered experts from all Nordic-Baltic states to showcase examples of Russian hybrid attacks against our countries. Russia employs a broad variety of tools in these coordinated attacks, including disinformation, cyber attacks, pranksters, vandalism, sabotage, twisting historical narratives, and even leveraging the Russian Orthodox Church for malign […]


How to get the World on the Right Track

April 9, 2024

Where is the world heading? With Russia’s war in Ukraine and other major powers advancing their positions, the democratic world faces numerous challenges, both externally and internally. Yet amid the looming crises, there is also a positive development underway, which we should acknowledge and capitalize on. So the question is, can we also discuss the […]



March 21, 2024

In the report “New in NATO – Some Starting Points for Sweden,” Stockholm Free World Forum presents a brief summary of some starting points for further discussions and analyses regarding Sweden’s membership in NATO, its direction, and priorities. Sweden finally became a member on March 7, 2024, 75 years after the alliance’s founding. Before full […]


United We Stand – A roadmap to create an urgently needed common Nordic – Baltic security culture for the era of multiple and complex crises and existential threats

January 8, 2024

The security policy situation is worsening rapidly for the Nordic and Baltic countries. Serious hybrid attacks are already ongoing. If coupled with Russia being allowed to win in Ukraine the situation could quickly become existential in our part of the world. The Nordic-Baltic region needs to, without delays, prepare itself to face a dark time, […]


Sweden as NATO member and the total defense recommendations from SFWF

June 28, 2023

This is an executive summary of a more comprehensive report in Swedish on Sweden in Nato and how we recommend that the Swedish total defense capabilities should be developed as a Nato member to meet with challenges of today and tomorrow. Our military recommendations lays on the foundation of the Supreme Commander of Swedish Armed […]


From digital protectionism to digital alliances

April 19, 2023

★The EU risks edging toward digital protectionism by means that, according to most studies, could undermine economic growth and security in Europe.  ★Digital protectionism jeopardizes Europe’s advantage in mainstream industries that rely on edge computing without increasing competition in large-scale digital platforms.  ★The EU and America share a legitimate need to secure supply chains and […]