Reports | Briefings

TikTok: The Children’s Entertainment that Became a Security Concern

March 28, 2023

In a remarkably short span, the Chinese social media powerhouse, TikTok, has amassed a staggering one billion users. Its rapid ascent has not only posed a formidable challenge to Western platform giants but has also become a litmus test for the security policies of democratic nations. Concerns are particularly heightened due to the noteworthy fact […]


Turkish Quagmire: Why Turkey Blocks Sweden’s Nato Accession

February 16, 2023

Turkey was bound to have issues with Sweden and its pro-Kurdish stance, and singled out Sweden because of its longstanding commitment to Kurdish aspirations. However, it is the continued US support for Kurds that is Turkey’s main concern, argues Halil Karaveli in this brief written for the Stockholm Free World Forum.


An introduction to doable reforms

January 20, 2022

Paraphrasing the first line of Anna Karenina, former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves argues that while all successful countries have reformed alike, each unsuccessful country finds its own excuses. In a new report for Stockholm Free World Forum, Ilves offers dos and don’ts for Belarus’s democracy movement as they plan future reforms.


A Marshall Plan for Belarus

January 14, 2022

Across eastern Europe, citizens are demanding democracy. Frightened by this change in people’s moods, autocrats like Alyaksandr Lukashenka are taking increasingly violent measures to suppress protests and to threaten the European Union. Now, plans have to be made for the future relations between a Democratic Belarus and the EU, writes Andrius Kubilius in a new […]


CCTV – A Trojan Horse In International News Dissemination?

December 9, 2021

Thanks to contracts with the world’s leading TV news agencies, Chinese State Broadcaster CCTV has managed to buy unfiltered access to global news production. This access is being used to spread disinformation and propaganda on a large scale. Many of the CCTV items analysed are heavily editorialised, contain dubious sourcing and appear to be designed […]


Achtung Europa!

December 2, 2021

The idea of strategic autonomy goes straight to the heart of European prosperity. If the union wants to stay relevant as a geopolitical actor in  the future, it needs to think long and hard about what strategies can help it punch above its weight. If not done correctly, the quest for strategic autonomy could end […]


The Belarusian Diaspora

November 8, 2021

The political crisis that started in Belarus in the summer of 2020 has united and politicized the Belarusian diaspora. The diaspora acts as a liaison between the Belarusian democratic forces, the European Union and Belarusian emigrants. In the brief “The Belarusian Diaspora And Its Role in Solving the Political Crisis”, Alesia Rudnik describes the transformation […]


How to Break Lukashenka

September 28, 2021

On August 9, 2020, Aliaksandr Lukashenka, Belarus’s former president, stole the Belarusian presidential elections. The Western reaction was sharp and instant, but it took time to coalesce and react. One year after the theft of the Belarusian elections, it is time to review the Western policy on Belarus. In the brief “How to Break Lukashenka” Dr. […]


A China Playbook for Europe

June 14, 2021

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) wants to shape the world in its image. For that purpose it uses instruments that risk to destroy liberal democracy. The nature of the West’s conflict with the CCP is systemic, not national or cultural. It is not China’s rise that is the problem, but China’s rise as an authoritarian […]



November 30, 2020

November 30th marks the beginning of the Winter War between the Soviet Union and Finland (30 November 1939 – 13 March 1940). 81 years later, the history of the war remains a burning issue which is being used by Russia for geopolitical purposes. In the new report “Russia’s Victim Narrative”, Professor Stefan Forss examines Russia’s narrative building around The […]