Reports | Briefings

BRIEFING: Foreign Fighters or Transnational Insurgents? (in Swedish)

March 25, 2015

In correlation with the wars in Syria and Iraq, the number of jihadists travelling from abroad has increased more than ever. The phenomenon has been observed in Sweden and all of the Western world. In January 2015, the Swedish Security Force suspected that 300 individuals from Sweden have traveled to Syria or Iraq to participate in jihadist missions, and out […]


Swedish Teachers in the DDR – A Study of a Stasi Project (in Swedish)

March 11, 2015

Until the fall of the Berlin Wall, Sweden was a targeted country for East German infiltration and espionage. A special target group for these exercises were Swedish teachers, who were the recipients of a special indoctrination program. This took place within the framework of official cooperation and was a way for the East German Communist Party […]


Russian Psychological Warfare in Latvia (in Swedish)

February 23, 2015

Summary: Russia has long attempted a campaign of mainly non-military means in Latvia consisting of numerous strategies taking place both in the country and its surrounding areas. These campaigns must be viewed in light of the severe military escalation in the Baltic Sea and in Eastern Europe. An underlying problem is the rift between ethnic Latvians […]


Syria and Sweden

February 6, 2015

The conflict in Syria is made possible by covert state support and a criminal “terror economy” which are sustaining the warring parties. Despite the fact that Damascus lies over 3,000 kilometers away from Stockholm, Syria’s civil war is closer than ever. A large number of Swedish citizens are fighting for terrorist organizations in Syria; some of these combatants are very likely to commit acts […]


Isolationism or Interventionism (in Swedish)

February 2, 2015

America’s foreign policy has undergone swift changes during President Obama’s years in power. Not only has there been a retreat in military involvement, there have also been decreases in the country’s defense budget. Meanwhile, the challenges from China and Russia have increased. The bipolar battle for power during the Cold War has now become multipolar during […]


Free Trade with Two Winners (in Swedish)

November 24, 2014

In October 2014, the European Union increased its tariffs against a number of  countries in Africa. The increased tariffs can lead to extreme consequences for  producers in Africa and hamper the countries’ growth. Even European consumers are at risk of having to pay more while the European economy is deprived of valuable trade relations with some of the […]


War in the Name of Peace? (in Swedish)

October 31, 2014

The report ”War in the name of peace? Humanitarian interventions” by Rebecca Hjelm summarizes different types of interventions and intervention strategies. The report contributes to the discussion on what makes some interventions more successful than others. – Interventions are not just about ”bombing”. Although warfare is the intervention strategy that creates the most headlines, interventions can also be […]


The Clash of Civilizations and its Relevance Today (in Swedish)

October 7, 2014

The theory of a “clash of civilizations” launched by Samuel P. Hungtington in 1993 has been severely criticized. However, it has never been dismissed. In the report  ”The Clash of Civilizations and its Relevance Today”,  Albin Aronsson shows that the number of conflicts between civilizations has increased since the Cold War, from 20 percent in 1991 to 43 percent in 2012. These […]


The Russian Information War in Lithuania (in Swedish, article in English)

July 19, 2014

The crisis in Ukraine has resulted in Lithuania also becoming a target for Russia’s information warfare. What does this propaganda war look like? The report “The Russian Information War in Lithuania” summarizes the developments in Lithuania and illustrates how Russia uses soft power to pursue its interests. In the current situation, important points of attack are focused on discrediting […]


EU Legislation on Corporate Social Responsibility (in Swedish)

April 27, 2014

The European Union has adopted a proposal concerning increased reporting requirements of bigger corporations’ work with Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR. This proposal for a new EU directive has been prepared. The idea is that corporations are responsible for reporting their CSR-work, which is said to simplify for investors and create growth. However, the consequences in poor […]