Reports | Briefings

Everyone Talks About NATO, Still Nothing Happens (in Swedish)

February 13, 2013

The defense and security policy debate in Finland is very similar to the one in Sweden. But one thing sets them apart: Finland has investigated the consequences of NATO membership. What can Sweden learn from this? In the report Everybody talks about NATO, still nothing happens Charly Salonius-Pasternak, security policy analyst at the Finnish Institute […]


NATO and Anti-Americanism (in Swedish)

January 31, 2013

In Sweden, NATO is described as a military alliance dominated by the United States. The debate on Swedish membership in NATO is therefore linked to attitudes toward the U.S. As the world’s only superpower, the U.S has become an easy target for criticism. Sometimes the criticism is justified, but there are also elements of anti-Americanism. […]


Mali in the Grip of Militant Islamists (in Swedish)

November 12, 2012

Mali was for a long time considered a leading African state. In 2011-2012 Reporters Without Borders ranked the country in the top tier of press freedom in Africa, outshone only by Namibia. In an otherwise troubled region, the country’s democratically elected government has successfully maintained stability within its borders. However, during the course of 2012 these […]


Right to a Future (in Swedish)

September 25, 2012

Since 2001, the situation for women in Afghanistan has dramatically improved. Following the toppling of the Taliban regime women have enjoyed both rights to basic healthcare and education. The emancipation from a deep seated sexist culture has been ameliorated each consecutive year. Sweden contributed to this process by virtue of its military presence and development aid. […]


BRIEFING: Threats to Freedom of the Press in Europe (in Swedish)

July 30, 2012

In the past three years at least 17 journalists in Europe have been killed or kidnapped. Threats to freedom of the press are increasing: attacks and murder, judicial prosecution and unjust imprisonment, state control of radio and television, and political and commercial attacks on editors. Media expert William Horsley writes about this issue in a report to […]


BRIEFING: Northern Cyprus – Under Embargo and In Isolation (in Swedish)

June 27, 2012

During the second half of 2012 Cyprus took over the European Union’s presidential gavel. But not all of Cyprus’ voices are being heard. The island is still divided between north and south, between a Turkish part and a Greek part. The Republic of Cyprus has become an integrated part of the EU, but the northern Turkish area seems to […]


BRIEFING: The Decline of Freedom of Expression and Democracy in Europe

May 22, 2012

In a number of EU Member States freedom of expression is under threat. Reporters Without Borders’ Press Freedom Index  shows that several EU countries ranked unacceptably low in terms of press freedom and freedom of expression. In this briefing, the Minister for EU and Democracy Birgitta Ohlsson explains the domestic threats against the values and […]


A Spring of Hatred (in Swedish)

May 15, 2012

With the rise of democratic movements in the Middle East there is a worry of increased sectarian violence, especially between religious groups. Will the “Arab Spring” become coupled with a backlash against minority rights? By focusing on two minority groups in Egypt, Jews and Copts respectively, the report A Spring of Hatred – Minority Intolerance […]


Democracy and Opposition in Africa (in Swedish)

March 23, 2012

Since the 1990s over 30 sub-Saharan countries have held democratic elections. In spite of this there are few indicators that opposition parties, another key facet of democracy, are also developing. The report Democracy and Opposition in Africa investigates the lack of political opposition in light of the democratization of sub-Saharan Africa. Author Emil Uddhammar studies what leeway there is […]


BRIEFING: Crime and Punishment in Russia: The Magnitsky Case (in Swedish)

February 22, 2012

Sergey Magnitsky was one of Russia’s leading corporate lawyers until his death in 2009 at 37 years old. He was murdered during a hospital visit as a result of his commitment to law and order while filing a lawsuit against officials who had stolen businesses belonging to the foreign investment company Hermitage. A single senior official has yet to be […]