Reports | Briefings
The Clash of Civilizations and its Relevance Today (in Swedish)
The theory of a “clash of civilizations” launched by Samuel P. Hungtington in 1993 has been severely criticized. However, it has never been dismissed. In the report ”The Clash of Civilizations and its Relevance Today”, Albin Aronsson shows that the number of conflicts between civilizations has increased since the Cold War, from 20 percent in 1991 to 43 percent in 2012. These […]
DOWNLOADThe Russian Information War in Lithuania (in Swedish, article in English)
The crisis in Ukraine has resulted in Lithuania also becoming a target for Russia’s information warfare. What does this propaganda war look like? The report “The Russian Information War in Lithuania” summarizes the developments in Lithuania and illustrates how Russia uses soft power to pursue its interests. In the current situation, important points of attack are focused on discrediting […]
DOWNLOADEU Legislation on Corporate Social Responsibility (in Swedish)
The European Union has adopted a proposal concerning increased reporting requirements of bigger corporations’ work with Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR. This proposal for a new EU directive has been prepared. The idea is that corporations are responsible for reporting their CSR-work, which is said to simplify for investors and create growth. However, the consequences in poor […]
DOWNLOADThe Collapse of the Defense Policy Since the Turn of the Century (in Swedish)
Swedish defense has been questioned during the past several years. It is clear that defense capabilities have worsened, resulting in the Swedish defense forces not being able to complete its main tasks. In the report “Collapse of the Defense Policy Since the Turn of the Century”, Carl Bergqvist analyzes the problems of the Swedish defense. The report […]
DOWNLOADWhy the Denial? Low-Cost Private Schools in Developing Countries and Their Contributions to Education
In many developing countries, the majority of the poorest children go to low-cost private schools, which do not receive any public funding or aid money. The students in these schools often perform better than the children in the public schools, for a fraction of the fees. In her report ”Why the Denial? Low-Cost Private Schools in […]
DOWNLOADFarewell to Arms? (in Swedish)
The civil war in Colombia is at its end. One of the main reasons for the peace negotiations is the collapse of the FARC guerilla. In just ten years the guerilla organization has lost over 17,000 members. The guerilla soldiers have chosen to leave the organization themselves. How do we explain the drop-out of a guerilla […]
DOWNLOADMade in Bangladesh (in Swedish)
On April 24, 2013, the textile factory Rana Plaza in Dhaka, Bangladesh, caved in. With 2,500 injured and 1,129 people killed, the collapse became known as the most serious catastrophe in the history of the textile industry. After the accident an anti-consumption wave swept over Europe and the U.S. Many started asking themselves whether it was ethically defendable […]
DOWNLOADPolitics and Law in the International Criminal Court (in Swedish)
On September 10th, the International Criminal Court (ICC) initiated a trial against Vice President of Kenya, William Samoei Ruto. Along with the journalist Joshua Arap Sang, Ruto is charged for crimes against humanity. Later this fall the court will also begin the trial against the current President of Kenya, Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, who has been […]
DOWNLOADBalancing Act – Norwegian Security Policy, Strategy and Military Posture
Norway’s economy and welfare depend strongly on maritime activities. Its exclusive economic zones are seven times the size of the country’s land area. Norwegian control of these areas is based on international law, which in turn is a result of an increasingly institutionalized world order. Some Norwegian claims are controversial, even amongst Norway’s allies. Norwegian […]
DOWNLOADIslam – A Barrier to Freedom in the Name of God? (in Swedish)
Political Islam has an especially strong foothold in poor and un-free countries. In public discussion on religion and democracy this often leads to the (mis)perception that Islam is itself a barrier to economic development and political freedom. In the report Islam – A barrier to freedom in the name of God? Eli Göndör asks whether […]