Patrik Oksanen intervjuas av Washington Times

Den 5 november publicerade den amerikanska tidningen Washington Times en artikel om Sveriges relation till Ryssland och säkerhetsläget i Östersjön och Arktis. Frivärlds Senior Fellow Patrik Oksanen är en av de intervjuade.

In fact, the Nordic region has become a geopolitical hot spot not unlike the Cold War’s East and West Germany, said Patrik Oksanen, a senior fellow at the Stockholm Free World Forum, a foreign policy think tank.

Melting ice caps in the Arctic will open up resources and shipping lanes that could be a game-changer for Moscow, he said.

“We have seen Russia moving forward with their military installations up in the very, very high north,” Mr. Oksanen said. “You cannot view the Baltic Sea without considering the Arctic, and vice versa.”

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