Rapporter | Briefings

Containing Emerging Technologies Impact on International Security

27 januari, 2020

In this brief, Containing Emerging Technologies Impact on International Security, Dr. Jean-Marc Rickli, head of global risk and resilience at GCSP, describes how we are entering a new technological age, where we can observe a fusion of several scientific fields, in which artificial intelligence and deep learning will have a vital part. Whilst these new technologies comes with […]


The Coming US President: What to Expect for Transatlantic Security

22 januari, 2020

In this brief Rachel Rizzo, Fellow at the Robert Bosch Stiftung, describes the effect that the Trump administration has had on the Transatlantic relations and how their future look like. She discusses the mutual dependencies between the US and the EU and what key challenges are for the future transatlantic relationship. Rachel Rizzo is an adjunct […]


An arms race — Artificial Intelligence is redefining geopolitics

14 januari, 2020

In this brief Aurore Belfrage, investor, entrepreneur and industrial advisor to Europe’s leading PE house EQT, writes about the imminent rise of AI (artificial intelligence) on the markets and its implications for the geopolitical dynamic. Furthermore, she analyses how this might trigger a new kind of technological arms race and what the vital factors are […]


Vägen till nästa försvarsbeslut

9 januari, 2020

I rapporten Vägen till nästa försvarsbeslut, analyserar Patrik Oksanen, Senior Fellow på Frivärld, de felsteg och missbedömningar som har gjorts inom svensk försvarspolitik, de nuvarande utmaningarna och vägen fram till Försvarsbeslutet 2020. Han diskuterar de nödvändiga åtgärder som Sverige bör vidta för att bättra förmågan att stå emot nya säkerhetspolitiska hot, men också för att […]


Follow the money and end up in real estate in strategic areas

6 januari, 2020

In this brief, Follow the Money and end up in real estate in strategic areas, Patrik Oksanen, senior fellow at Stockholm Free World Forum, explores how laundered Russian money is channelled to various real estate projects across Finland and Sweden. He further elaborates on how these properties often are located in areas with strategic importance, […]


Ett ensamt Europa? EU:s roll i handelskrigets tid

13 december, 2019

I rapporten Ett ensamt Europa? EU:s roll i handelskrigets tid, beskriver Emanuel Örtengren, programansvarig för välfärdsfrågor på Timbro, vilka utmaningar EU står inför när handelskrig och ekonomisk protektionism som grundas i nationalism får en större roll i världen. I rapporten beskrivs de viktigaste handelpolitiska skiljelinjerna som existerar mellan USA och EU, men även hur de […]


Ett ensamt Europa? En vittrande transatlantisk länk

12 december, 2019

I rapporten Ett ensamt Europa? En vittrande transatlantisk länk beskriver Frida Granath, verksamhetskoordinator på Frivärld, hur den transatlantiska länken har börjat att krackelera och hur en ny transatlantisk agenda på säkerhetsområdet för USA och EU skulle kunna se ut, samt hur Sverige borde förhålla sig. Frida Granath är verksamhetskoordinator på Frivärld. Utöver det studerar hon en […]


Strike First and Strike Hard? Russian Military Modernization and Strategy of Active Defence

2 december, 2019

In the brief Strike first and strike hard? Russian military modernization and strategy of active defence, Karsten Friis Senior Research Fellow and Maren Garberg Bredesen, Junior Research Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), discusses the evolution of the Russia military capabilities and concept of active defence. The strategy of active defence was […]


Challenges of modern deterrence and Swedish interests

25 november, 2019

In the brief Challenges of modern deterrence and Swedish interests, Leo Michel, Non-resident senior fellow at Atlantic Council, explains the basics of military deterrence and further elaborates on how the geopolitical shift and technological advancements have changed the concept of deterrence since the Cold war era and what its new intricate features are, especially concerning […]


Illicit Finance and National Security

18 november, 2019

In the brief Illicit Finance and National Security, Joshua Kirschenbaum visiting Fellow, Alliance for Securing Democracy, German Marshall Fund explores how authoritarian regimes and private actors have gained a greater understanding on how to use new methods of finance to further their goals. Furthermore, he points to several areas more exposed than others to these […]